Dr Frances Pitsilis

Dr Frances is a highly trained doctor with a holistic and integrative medicine approach to chronic illness and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. She is also a professional speaker and trainer across the media world in New Zealand and Internationally. 

Dr Frances's Media Work

Dr Frances Pitsilis is a highly experienced, trained and multi-talented medical doctor who is also an excellent communicator across all media. She speaks across New Zealand’s TV, and radio. She consults privately over a broad range of health areas and also loves speaking about them. Dr Frances also speaks and writes about motivation, achievement, resilience and stress in life and work. 


Her appearance in the media include:


  • TV series 'Is Modern Medicine Killing You?'
  • Articles for newspapers and magazines
  • Medical expert – TVNZ breakfast with Paul Henry 2008-2011
  • “Ask the doctor” – Mediaworks and Media Network since 2006
  • Health and Beauty Expert – The Café, Mediaworks
  • YouTube channel. 



About Dr Frances Pitsilis

After 4 years of hospital medicine, Dr Frances Pitsilis started her career in General Practice in Auckland, New Zealand. She then developed an interest in stress as she realised that the majority of illnesses are related to it.

During her General Practice career, the interest in stress became personal when Dr Frances experienced and recovered from burnout. She decided to combine her study of stress with her interest in communications, and achieved qualifications in occupational medicine and training in professional speaking.

Her qualifications include Nutritional Medicine, a Diploma of Obstetrics, a Diploma in Occupational Medicine and is a Fellow of the Royal NZ College of GP’s. During 2009 /2010 she completed international qualifications in Preventative and Regenerative Medicine.


Within her career, Dr Frances has  held several positions of responsibility within her profession including serving on the local branch of the NZ Medical Association and being a Chairperson of the local after-hours medical service.

Dr Frances’ medical practice involves consulting on work stress, pain, fatigue, and complex conditions including hormonal and shift work-related problems. She takes an holistic approach and uses traditional therapies as well as evidence-based natural and complementary therapies and lifestyle interventions where appropriate.


As a professional speaker, Dr Frances presents her own workshops and seminars, discussing diet and lifestyle, stress management, and lifestyle and natural therapies.

From 2003 Dr Frances has practised cosmetic and appearance medicine. She started by training to use Botulinum Toxin for Chronic Migraine and this progressed to offering much more at Skinfresh

Dr Frances enjoys educating the public through her speaking, training and media work. She has written for and lectured to the beauty and anti-ageing industry both in NZ and overseas.

She regularly researches local and international medical literature and attends many conferences, both local and abroad to expand on her learnings. 

Cosmetic & Appearance Medicine

  • Safety is always our first priority
  • Start all skin treatments by  correcting internal health
  • Skinfresh nurses are highly trained in all non-surgical cosmetic treatments and skincare 
  • Evidence based nutritional advice is given
  • Highly trained in injectable treatments
  • Laser and light-based treatments 
  • Treat any skin type
  • Many treatments are painless or extremely comfortable
  • A comprehensive range of problems are treated 
  • Many evidence-based, integrative medicine principles are applied to skin treatments.
  • Dr Frances is extensively trained and is also a Cosmetic conference speaker 



General Medical Consulting

Dr Frances drives a holistic and integrative approach towards medicine, which is why Skinfresh clients' honour and trust her judgement. 


She consults on general medical issues such as:


  • Holistic and integrative medicine
  • Chronic illness treatment and prevention
  • Second opinions
  • Stress and life management
  • Diet and lifestyle
  • Nutritional medicine
  • Hormone balance




Expertise & Consulting Ability

Her established general practice involves consulting work on stress-related illness and chronic medical conditions. Dr Frances provides expertise and advice on the following:


  • Preventive medicine, health screening and illness prevention
  • Stress-related illness, its management and rehabilitation
  • Work-related health problems (obtaining work-life balance)
  • Mind-and-body medicine
  • Cosmetic and appearance medicine
  • Diet and lifestyle
  • Nutritional medicine
  • Bioidentical hormone therapy.


Dr Frances' Qualifications and Experience

  • Hospital doctor and Medical Registrar for four years
  • General Practice with Obstetrics and Terminal Care work for 26 years
  • Occupational Medicine Diploma, University of Auckland in 2000  – work related health and stress problems, and chronic illnesses/ rheumatic illnesses/ chronic painStress, shift work and stress management work –
  • Conference speaker and have consulted to patients, employers and employment lawyers since 2001
  • Many years of interest, study and practice in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic illness, pain and injury – includes ACC consulting work. 
  • ACC examiner for Initial Medical Assessments – several years rehabilitating patients who are chronically injured and in pain, helping them return to work.
  • Medical Nutrition training both in NZ and Australia
  • Dual qualifications in Preventative, Regenerative and Integrative Medicine –attained 2009
    •  Australasian Fellowship - FAARM
    •  American Board Fellowship - ABAARM
  • Attend conferences regularly
  • Research and book, article writing 

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